Accepted Insurances

We accept most insurances and also accept uninsured patients. The charge for uninsured patients is $165 for a new patient and $100 for an established patient. If you are in a difficult financial situation, please call our office and we will try to work with you. Dr. Gomer’s medical group is Primecare of Temecula/Optum for HMO plans and you can still choose Dr. Gomer as your primary care doctor even if you medical group is different, any time of the year, by simply calling your insurance company and requesting Dr. Gomer to become your primary care doctor. See the below list of our accepted insurances. Other insurances not listed may be accepted as they run through a major carrier that we do accept:

  • Medicare

  • Medi-Cal (via IEHP and Molina - please call Medi-Cal and ask to be assigned to IEHP or Molina).

  • IEHP (Inland Empire Health Plan)

  • Optum / Primecare

  • Aetna

  • Alignment

  • Anthem

  • Blue Cross

  • Blue Shield

  • Christian Healthcare Ministries

  • Cigna

  • Covered California

  • Exclusive Care

  • Health Net

  • Humana

  • Molina

  • Risk Management / Loma Linda University

  • SCAN

  • Tri-Care (Prime and Select)

  • TriWest

  • United Health Care

  • UMR

  • Uninsured

  • Other Medical Groups (Regal, Alpha Care, Prospect, Primary Care Associates - via phone call to insurance company and requesting Dr. Gomer as your primary care doctor. Dr. Gomer is not formally part of these medical groups, but you can still join his practice with a phone call to your insurance company.)